About us

In a family-run business in Egypt, lamps of various shapes and sizes are meticulously handcrafted.

The lamps are crafted from metal and undergo multiple layers of lacquering. Their intricate, delicate patterns create a magical illumination that spreads throughout the entire room—whether on the ceiling, a table, or the floor. The transformative effect on the space is truly remarkable. It's an experience not to be missed!


oriental magic at home

Oriental hand-made lamps from Egypt are exquisite and captivating treasures. Crafted with great care and skill, these lamps are adorned with intricate and ornate designs inspired by the mystique of the East

Naomi Candil


Soft Light Diffusio

Oriental lamps are designed to diffuse light gently. The patterns, openings, and materials used allow the light to pass through in a way that creates a soft, warm, and welcoming glow. This type of illumination is particularly effective at setting a cozy ambiance.

Candel Candil

simple and elegant

It is better to light a single small light than to curse the darkness ✨
- Konfuzius -

And with our handmade lamps from Egypt you can switch on several lights and let the shadows dance
